Geology professor wins SPORE award for website

A consortium led by geology professor Heather Macdonald ’02 has been honored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for its website compiling professional-development resources for geosciences faculty.

The AAAS awarded the group its Science Prize for Online Resources in Education for the group’s website, “On the Cutting Edge.” In addition to Macdonald, the group includes David Mogk of Montana State University, Barbara Tewksbury of Hamilton College and Cathryn Manduca of Carleton College.

The website is directed toward new faculty in the geosciences, containing information and ideas on subjects ranging from finding the first job to setting up a research program to getting tenure. Much of the subject matter deals with classroom technique and other instructional skills.

“We want to promote teaching that is student-centered,” Macdonald said. “That might range from ideas about how to teach large lecture courses—which many faculty have to do, especially when they’re new to thinking of what you want students to know and be able to do after they take your course.”

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