Students promote community involvement with “Stand Up Campaign”

Students from the College literally took a stand on soap boxes last week for issues they cared about as part of the Office of Community Engagement and Scholarship’s first-ever “Stand Up Campaign.”

The campaign used public spaces on campus, such as the Sadler and Campus centers, to share messages of social activism and community engagement with the public.

“Through the Stand Up Campaign, many students were able to use their voices, thoughts, time and actions to stand up for what matters to them, said Melody Porter, assistant director of OCES. “They spoke out against sexual violence, thanked living icons from the civil rights era for their courage and sacrifice, made a dent in invasive species growth on campus – and they learned about the many ways people incorporate community engagement into their lives.”

The campaign consisted of an entire week of activities, beginning Monday, Feb. 22, which was dubbed “Take a Stand Day.” The week’s events included a brown bag discussion about housing, poverty and homelessness; a letter-writing campaign to the living leaders of the civil rights movement; and a showing of a documentary about the effort for peace following the Liberian civil war.

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