Letter to the Editor: Foster has right mentality

In the wake of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s actions and our righteous chastisement of partisan politics, it seems ironic that we read an editorial that not only seeks to cultivate overt partisanship and divisiveness in Scott Foster’s ‘10 campaign for Williamsburg City Council, but demands it as authentication for him as a candidate.

His campaign is not devoid of a student-friendly platform. It is simply devoid of a gown-versus-town mentality that would likely damage his viability as a candidate, exacerbate present conflicts between students and residents, and diminish his ability to productively work with the other members of the council upon his successful election. Through his campaign website and interviews alike, his overall interest in this city’s future is made absolutely clear. His belief in the College of William and Mary’s powerful role within Williamsburg’s future is also apparent.

This latter factor distinguishes him from the other four candidates. In acknowledging and lauding the College itself as a vital component of the city’s growth, Scott Foster will remind the greater Williamsburg area that each member of the student body is also an important member of this community, that the 5,800 students of the College enrich Williamsburg as economically, culturally and civically-active citizens.

So while it may be politically mature to question supporting Foster based on Tribe Pride alone, it is ridiculous to withdraw support because his platform is more principled and all-encompassing than it is partisan and narrow. In light of the current state of upset over partisan politics on this campus, it also seems particularly hypocritical.

Foster’s candidacy is certainly the most student-friendly and the most deserving of our support. On May 4th, when we as a college community assist in making him the first student to serve on the city council, we can be confident that he will serve this city with the students’s best interests in mind. What’s more, we can take pride in the fact that we voted for someone who will show thoughtful respect for others and acknowledge the value of every Williamsburg citizen.

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