Student Assembly election faces technical difficulties

Technical difficulties forced a two-hour extension of the voting period in the College of William and Mary’s Student Assembly elections Wednesday.

Problems ranged from the late reception of voting invitation e-mails to the non-reception of the unique voting passwords required to cast ballots.

“I was hoping to vote earlier today, but I haven’t gotten a password yet,” Lenna Walker ’11 said Wednesday. “If I don’t get it within the next couple of hours, I’m going to e-mail them. But they don’t have a number, so I don’t know how fast it’s going to be.”

Walker received a voting password later that evening. However, she was only able to vote on the executive ballot.

“I finally checked my e-mail around 8 p.m. and got a password, but only for the exec[utive],” she said. “I checked my e-mail later, and I think I got a password for the other one in the voting period, but didn’t get it in time, so I didn’t vote for senate.”

While e-mail voting invitations were sent out in the morning, many students did not receive the necessary passwords until several hours later, spanning through the afternoon and evening.

“I didn’t ever get the e-mail with the password,” Kara Starr ’10 said Wednesday. “I e-mailed [SA election commission chairman Andrew Gardner ’12]. I know a couple of people who didn’t get e-mails until later in the day.”

Starr did not receive an e-mail with a password, but she was given a password directly by the Elections Commission after asking for one, allowing her to vote in the SA presidential election.

According to Gardner, e-mails were sent to members of all social classes beginning at 7:00 a.m., but due to the high volume of e-mails being sent to students, arrived much later than expected.

“All I do know is that the e-mails are sent through eBallot,” Gardner said in an e-mail. “I have no control over how quickly the emails are sent out, and the system does send them all out at the same time. I can say I sent them out the absolute earliest time I could, but that still has not yielded the results we need.”

Gardner said he was unsure of how many students actually received e-mail voting invitations.

“There’s no way to check,” Gardner said.

Gardner said that the SA worked throughout the day Wednesday to fix all reported difficulties with the eBallot system.

“The Elections Commission will be trying to work on this problem throughout the day,” Gardner said Wednesday. “I don’t know if we’ll have to redo [the invitations] or what. It’s kind of up in the air for where we go from here.”

The Elections Commission ultimately resent the e-mail invitation for the SA presidential ballot to all students.

“I sent one for the SA presidential election twice, per request of Sarah Rojas ’10,” Gardner said.

Gardner also said that future elections could be conducted through a different electronic system.

“I think the use of the eBallot system should be heavily questioned for future elections,” he said.

While voting problems and glitches persisted throughout the day, Gardner said that student turnout to the elections did not seem to suffer from them.

When all ballots were counted, more students voted in Wednesday’s election than in any previous SA election.

“3,200 people voted, and the most people who’d voted [before] is 2,500,” Sen. Ross Gillingham ’10 said. “As is, it was a pretty tremendous turnout.”

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