Cheers and Jeers

It’s the last day of classes. It has a bittersweet sort of taste, and we don’t just mean what’s in our nalgene. But while it is a time to blow out, it’s also a time to reflect. Here’s our reflections on the last year, in cheers and jeers.

Cheers to Alan B. Miller Hall and other on-pace campus construction. Jeers to still not finishing the St. George Tucker Hall renovation.

Cheers to Tribe sports and wildly successful seasons for Tribe basketball and football. Hoo’s your daddy?

Cheers to the Student Assembly granting funding for Tribal fever, and supporting student fever for College sports. Jeers to the student fever during the swine flu outbreak.

Cheers to the City of Williamsburg for not strictly enforcing overly-stringent noise ordinance laws. Jeers to those extreme standards existing in the first place.

Cheers to the College voting Jessee Vasold ’11 the school’s first transgender homecoming queen. Jeers to the national media making it a spectacle (we’re looking at you, O’Reilly).

Cheers to the City of Williamsburg for bumping it to a four-person rule. Jeers to the city for not creating a functioning four-person rule, and still citing nine houses for occupancy violations.

Cheers to Dining Services for adopting more environmentally sustainable policies. Jeers to Dining Services not providing better benefits to its employees.

Cheers to the CAP report for labeling the College Greek system as “healthy.” Jeers to band-aid solutions, like taking away beer pong tables.

Cheers to Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell for pledging not to end cuts on state higher education funding. Jeers to the Virginia General Assembly for trying to cut our funding in the first place.

Cheers to the Triangle Project. Jeers to Mama Mia’s for not moving faster on its own mixed-use property proposal.

Cheers to increased student activism. Jeers to Cuccinelli’s letter on college discrimination policies provoking that activism in the first place.

Cheers to the College for finally choosing a mascot. Jeers to it taking 16 months and $25,000.

Cheers to the College’s search for new on-campus locations for fraternities. Jeers to putting them in Ludwell.

Cheers to students taking control of their funds through independent audits. Jeers to Mark Constantine misusing those funds to begin with.

Cheers to the Class of 2014 for being one of the College’s most celebrated classes and the most diverse class ever.

Cheers to Student Assembly voter registration efforts. Jeers to more problems with the online voting process.

Cheers to Scott Foster ’10 and well-run student campaigns. Jeers to those in the Williamsburg City Council who might merely preserve status quo.

Cheers to constructive debate regarding the College Honor Council. Jeers to argument for its own sake.

Cheers to the SA for paying for a new student counselor. Jeers to a continued lack of funding for the Counseling Center.

Cheers to Earl Gregg Swem Library for staying open 24 hours during finals. Jeers to limited Mews hours always.

Cheers to Blowout.

Cheers to the Class of 2010. Good luck.

Cheers to students voting on May 4th.

Cheers to summer break! We’ll see you in the fall.

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