College receives record applications

The College of William and Mary’s class of 2014 arrives in Williamsburg as another group of record-breakers.

Drawing from a pool of over 12,500 students, this year’s freshman class was derived from the largest number of applicants in College history, and continues a five-year trend of increased applications.

“Excitement and reinvigoration always characterize the arrival of new cohorts of undergraduate, professional and graduate students,” College President Taylor Reveley said. “This is especially true when our new students are strikingly accomplished. Those arriving this August are just that — smart, committed and talented in countless respects. It will be great to have them with us.”

The admittance rate for this year’s class of 1,400 was 32 percent, down from 34 percent for the class of 2013. The class of 2014 also arrives with a middle 50th percentile of 1280-1430 on the math and critical reading sections of the SAT.

Seventy-nine percent of enrolling students whose high schools provided class ranks ranked in the top 10 percent of their graduating classes.

“The academic profile of this class is stellar,” Dean of Admissions Henry Broaddus said. “They arrive in Williamsburg with an impressive record of achievements both in and out of the classroom. Admitting this class from so large a pool with so many talented applicants presented us with an exciting and difficult challenge.”

Sixty-five percent of incoming students are from Virginia, and 26 percent of arriving freshmen are students of color. The class of 2014 includes 44 international students, while 140 are the first members of their families to attend college.

“They are an intelligent and engaged group that cares about the world around them, and we are confident they will make their mark at William & Mary,” Broaddus said in a press release.

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