That Girl: Chrissy Scott

By Walter Hickey

__This upcoming school year, the name Chrissy Scott is sure to grace the pages of campus publications and the conversations of involved students on a regular basis due to her position as Student Assembly president. Days before the semester kicks off, she talks about her time at the College of William and Mary, advice for freshmen, plans for the direction of the College, and perhaps most importantly, settles the great debate — New Jersey: Great state, or greatest state?__

*How was the election process last year?*
Last year’s election was probably the most hectic time of my life. If I wasn’t doing something, I felt like I was going to fall behind. At the same time, I loved every minute of the process. I met a lot of new people and really learned about our campus community.

*How did you make the decision to run for the position of SA president?*
It was never something I had considered until January. After I began working with the previous executive, I realized how much can be accomplished through the SA and decided that it was something that I really wanted to get more involved with.

*What goals do you have as SA president?*
A lot of our goals are aimed at outreach and getting students more in touch with the resources that the SA has to offer. We are also trying to spice up Homecoming festivities and Charter Day weekends because they are a great ways to celebrate the College.

*What is your favorite place at the college?*
[My house]. It’s where I lived last year and where I am living again this year. I love just sitting on the coach with my roommates, watching TV and Facebook stalking. We’ve also become master chefs and always have a lot of laughs trying things out in the kitchen. If I had to pick my all-time favorite aspect of our house, it would be a tie between the mushrooms growing in the bathroom and the cockroaches in the basement.

*What else do you do at the college?*
Kappa Alpha Theta, Club Basketball — yes, I realize that I’m barely over five feet tall, but I’ve been playing my whole life and could never give it up. I also live for Greek philanthropy events and intramural sports.

*How has Kappa Alpha Theta impacted your time spent at the College?*
I don’t want to be that girl that gushes about how much she loves her sorority, but I really have enjoyed my time spent as a Theta. It’s been a rollercoaster of cheers and tears, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t imagine college without Theta.

*What got you interested in your majors?*
My majors are Hispanic studies and sociology. My mom is a high school Spanish teacher, so I’ve always been interested in foreign languages. I got involved with the sociology department after taking Principles of Sociology with Professor [Kathleen] Slevin, and the subject has really taught me to better understand those around me.

*Do you have an favorite memory at the College?*
There are specific campus events that are my favorite memories of the College — Last Chance Dance, King and Queens Ball, Sigma Pi Nerf Superbowl, Campus Golf. The night of my election was also one of the most memorable nights of my life. Even though it was a Wednesday night, all of my friends came to my house and were there to support me, whether I won or not. After we found out that I won, I was lifted into the air and carried around like a princess — my feet didn’t hit the floor for about 15 minutes.

*What class or professor would you recommend?*
If you’re into Hispanic studies, take Professor [Silvia] Tandeciarz.

*Any advice you wish had been told as a freshman?*
Apparently people in other states don’t appreciate the greatness that is New Jersey. So, to all of those Jersey freshmen, keep your chin up and just remember that you’re way better than those Virginians. And if you’re asked what’s so special about New Jersey, just remember these two words: Bruce Springsteen.

__Whether lounging around at her house or presiding over an SA meeting, Chrissy is ready to lead the College into a new year.__

Walter Hickey
Walter Hickey
Senior Staff Writer Walter Hickey '12 is an Applied Mathematics major from Harriman, N.Y. He was previously Online Editor.

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