Almost Relevant: Tuesday Links

Tuesdays are typically the roughest days for us here at the Flat Hat. We are usually in the office until the wee hours of the morning, plus we now have to get going on Friday’s issue. So while it might seem that a handful of links picked up from the internet, provided with comment of course, is us taking the path of least resistance, we’d like to think we are doing it out of our love for you, dear reader.

Onto the links:

Story 1

There’s a brief mention of Tribe sophomore pitcher John Sheehan’s progress this summer, noting how he went down with an arm injury late in the summer. Sheehan will get Tommy John surgery and redshirt the 2011 season. A tough break for a guy didn’t break the rotation last year and was looking to establish himself this spring.

Story 2

An article on Head Coach John Daly’s relationship with his former players who have become coaches. A quick ranking of how William and Mary coaches are viewed by their peers, feel free to disagree:

1) Jimmye Laycock- A friend of a number of DI coaches like Maryland’s Ralph Frigeden, Laycock’s 30-year tenure puts him at the top of this list.

2) John Daly- Here at the College just as long as Laycock, Daly has mentored Olympic-level coaches.

3) Debbie Taylor- Taylor brings a world of experience and connections, if not recent success, to the Tribe’s bench.

4) Christine Hafpenny- Well respected for the type of talent she has recruited down to Williamsburg.

5) Frank Leoni- Leoni received a text from an LSU coach congratulating him after the College beat North Carolina last spring.

Story 3

A look at Adrian Tracy’s conversion to linebacker by a reporter who used to work for the Washington Post. I don’t get Berman. After all, Tracy was forced to move to New Jersey, Berman did so by choice.

Story 4
The presence of ESPN-U on William and Mary’s campus. There is no one who works harder on this campus than Alex Pouille by the way. And I don’t just say that because he is a friend.

Story 5

It’s not fall until you see at least one “Wait, I didn’t know that guy went to William and Mary” article about a football coach.

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