California native lives theatrically on the east coast

By Walter Hickey

Alec Anderson, a northern California native who came to the College of William and Mary as a sophomore transfer student, has been a fixture of main stage theater productions since his arrival on campus. Cast as the lead in two of last year’s productions — Moliere’s “School for Wives” and Moisés Kaufman’s “Gross Indecency” — Anderson took some time to talk about his time spent here at the College, the transition from NorCal to the Historic Triangle, and what he has planned for after graduation.

*What are you studying?*
I’m a theater major, and I take as much French as I can.

*How has your experience in the theater department been?*
I transferred as a sophomore, and that year I was cast in the spring production. It was “All’s Well That Ends Well,” and it was pretty spectacular. Last year I did two shows, “Gross Indecency” and “School for Wives.” Both were very intensive. This September I’m in “Table Manners,” which opens on main stage on my birthday actually, Sept. 30. It’s a great cast, an excellent show. It’s hilarious.

*So what did you do this past summer?*
I live in northern California, so I chilled out at home for my last summer. Then I moved out to [Los Angeles] to try to jump start my life, went back to northern California, then came back here.

*How was the adjustment from California to Virginia?*
It was actually more shocking then I thought it would be. It’s very different. I like Virginians and this part of the country, but it’s very different from where I live. I’ve learned to appreciate both of them.

*What are you planning to do after college?*
I might take a year off and get a job as a steward on a private yacht and sail around the world. Then I’m going to move to L.A. and begin a career.

*Do you have a favorite memory from your time at the College?*
There’s a lot. I guess if I had to pick one it would be my 21st birthday, because it was so unexpected. There was a piñata and everyone sang me “Happy Birthday” and it really felt like the community that we always talk about.

*Do you have a favorite spot on campus to hang out or relax?*
I really prefer to take naps in the [Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall] side lobby. It’s really comfortable.

*Have you had a favorite class?*
Not really. But if you can get a class in the [Christopher] Wren Building, the class doesn’t matter, you should take it. It’s so cool to have classes in that building.

*How has living in Williamsburg for the past four years been?*
I transferred as a sophomore, so I’ve never actually lived on campus. I moved directly off campus. I lived in this really great house off of Virginia Avenue. My roommate and I named it “The Dungeon,” and it’s rather legendary in some circles on campus. Now I’ve moved to an apartment and it’s been dubbed “The Den.” Or “The O.D.”

*Any advice for underclassmen?*
Keep things interesting. Don’t get locked up into a routine. If you already have a routine, spice it up. Also, don’t take college too seriously. Get good grades, but you know, have a good time, too. That last part sounds like terrible advice. It’s important to enjoy your time here though.

__Anderson will perform in “Table Manners” later this month, on his birthday. No word yet if the piñata will make an appearance.__

Walter Hickey
Walter Hickey
Senior Staff Writer Walter Hickey '12 is an Applied Mathematics major from Harriman, N.Y. He was previously Online Editor.

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