Stay sensual, sexy and safe

Welcome to the freshman class of 2014 and to the transfers and returning students. Before I dive into the complex, fun and sensational world of sex at the College of William and Mary, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Aishaah, and I’m a junior at the College. How did I land this gig? Basically, I’m a self-proclaimed sexpert. There is no subject too taboo or experience too kinky. I love to talk about sex and help people make their sex lives all that they can be. And I thought it would be fitting to write my first column on the topic of sexploration in college.

Everyone knows that college is the time to experience new things. This can include studying abroad, meeting new friends and living away from parents. However, another valuable experience can be exploring your sexuality. Maybe you’re a virgin and want to have sex for the very first time. You could want to explore the possibilities of self-love. Or you could possibly want to experience intimacy with someone of the same sex. The options are endless -– and you’re not alone: almost everyone around you is also seeking the ultimate in sexual satisfaction.

There are plenty of places where new partners can be found around campus: in your dorm, in class, at frat parties, in the Commons Dining Hall or at club meetings. There are new opportunities around every corner -– it’s just a matter of whether you take advantage of them or not. Be confident and pro-active in your sex life. Ask that cute guy from class out to lunch one day. If you see a really sexy girl dancing at a party, don’t be afraid to ask her to dance. It is the small steps that gradually make way for the bigger steps. Soon you’ll find yourself taking control in the bedroom, or confidently pleasuring yourself without feelings of guilt and shame. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you cannot expect to have sex like a porn star your first time. However, with confidence and experimentation, you can be camera-ready in no time.
Sex should not be taboo, and you should not limit what you want because of social constraints. Sex is natural, liberating and it can even boost your self-esteem. Use this time in your life to get a feel for what you like. Think you have an uncommon kinky fetish? Chances are, someone else is out there who’s into the same thing. With lots of communication you and your partner can experiment with whatever turns you on. There is nothing wrong with wanting to experience sexual ecstasy. Sex was designed to be pleasurable, so take advantage of it.

However fun your journey to sexual satisfaction may be, there are always some rules to remember along the way. First and foremost, always practice safe sex. There are condoms available all over campus: in the Student Health Center, Campus Center, and they can even be delivered to your CSU box. Secondly, don’t do anything illegal. This includes, but is not limited to sex with goats, picking up dates at the local high school (we’re adults now), and flashing your goods to all the houses in sorority court. Lastly, communication with your sexual partner(s) is crucial. Talk soberly and in detail about what you expect, your feelings, and your boundaries. If you feel uncomfortable doing anything, then don’t do it.
College is the experience of a lifetime, so don’t miss out. Happy first week of school, and here’s to having straight A’s and amazing orgasms this semester.

__Aishaah Reed is the Flat Hat sex columnist. She fully supports a clean, safe and legal roll in the hay.__

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