Almost Relevant: Tuesday Links Part II

Oh, Tuesday. You know I hate you yet you still make no effort not to suck. First I have to wake up at 6:50 in the morning to make sure my car does not get a parking ticket, and then I have to catch up on all the reading I couldn’t get to last night before heading out to class.

But you will not beat me Tuesday. I will still post our Tuesday links, even if it is closer to Wednesday right now than Tuesday morning. Because that’s what we do at the Flat Hat. We persevere.

Onto the links:
An interesting feature on former Tribe swimmer Erica Rapp. I wish we had found about this story sooner. Very inspirational account of Rapp’s battle with a couple of very scary illnesses over the last couple of years at the College.

Somehow this guy got to write an opinion piece in the Washington Times featuring the Griffin. My sister, a freshman at Delaware, calls the Griffin a pantsless owl. I don’t know why but I find that funny.

Good piece on the recent influx of Fredericksburg natives on the William and Mary football team. My co-editor Mike Barnes, a Fredericksburg native, wanted this article higher up on the list, but he spent most of last night rooting for Virginia Tech and I’m a little annoyed with him right now. Sorry Mike, I’ll move this article up whenever Frank Beamer wins a big game away from home.

A profile of William and Mary strength coach John Sauer. Last fall, the Tribe lacrosse team bought Sauer a cowboy hat for all his hard work, a gift which makes more sense now that I know Sauer is a Montana alumn.

And finally, ACTUAL NEWS.

According to Jonathan Watford, Bethel High School guard Aaron Bacote took an unofficial visit to William and Mary last week. Bacote, class of 2012, is ranked as the 124th player in his class. The fact that this type of kid would even consider visiting William and Mary shows the type of progress the basketball program has made in recruiting over the years. Also, it’s interesting to see the Tribe talking to a kid in their own backyard. Way too early to project anything, but a good sign nonetheless.

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