$50,000 down the tubes

Your Student Assembly allocated up to $50,000 to bring a big name artist to the meaningless monument to monarchy known as Charter Day. The SA is counting on getting half of that back through ticket sales. At $10 a pop (a roped off William and Mary Hall holds 3,000 people) it’s anticipated that there will be a $30,000 return, $5,000 of which goes to AMP for their operating costs with the SA getting the rest.

There was a lot of talk about how AMP already has a massive budget of about $120,000 and how they shouldn’t get any more, but that is really irrelevant. The SA and AMP have chosen to completely limit themselves to artists who are available on Feb. 5 because that was the day that King and Queen Whoever and their cavalcade of slaves took it upon themselves to found this College in the name of the that most unholy behemoth, the Church of England.

Even if you ignore the College’s origins, if you are trying to get the most out of your money why would you restrict yourself to holding this concert on one specific day? If AMP ends up booking some neo-hippie bullshit like Old Crow Medicine Show or O.A.R. (both of whom were seriously mentioned) I will take it upon myself to find this so-called Royal Charter, wrap it in my feces and then set fire to it in the middle of the subsequent SA meeting just so I can watch the 16 Anglicans who voted for this stamp it out.

The SA also made some earth shattering code changes that further extends the admittedly failed committee liaison system. In short, there are senate committees and executive committees and some of these committees have similar focuses and do similar things. Before tonight’s meeting senate committees were mandated by the SA’s code to assign liaisons to their corresponding executive committees.

No senator cared about this slice of code before and now that executive committees are mandated to send their own liaisons to the corresponding senate committees no one will continue to care.

The SA also allocated up to $4,500 for the renting of two shuttles to give students free rides to and from the airport on the Friday and Tuesday before and after our Autumnal break. Now normally I would find something wrong with this, but tonight this seems just fine. Great job!


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