BOV Fall 2010: BOV reviews campus construction

The College of William and Mary Board of Visitors Committee on Buildings and Grounds convened Sept. 29 to discuss the College’s current and projected construction projects.

The committee meeting began with a report from Virginia Institute of Marine Science Director John Wells on construction progress on the VIMS campus.

Wells highlighted four projects that are either near completion, under construction or soon to break ground: the planned Eastern Shore Seawater Lab, the first permanent brick building built specifically for VIMS, costing $3.7 million; Shoreline Erosion Control, costing $1.2 million; the development of a Comprehensive Master plan, costing $650,000; and electrical upgrades to Chesapeake Bay Hall, costing $300,000.

Wells said that the construction would help tie the VIMS campus together, making it more aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly.

“[It will] make the way we go forward more visionary than reactionary,” he said.

Other future construction plans at VIMS include a Consolidated Science Research Building, a replacement Oyster Hatchery and a new Research Vessel. The committee followed Wells’s report by recommending to the full BOV that 14 outdated buildings on the VIMS campus be demolished to make way for new construction.

Vice President for Administration Anna Martin followed Wells by delivering a report on construction projects on the College’s main campus. Martin listed Phase I of the Integrated Science Center, the new power plant and the Sherman and Gloria H. Cohen Career Center as projects that have been either completed or are near completion.

“Because it’s all glass, it’s going to attract students walking through the Sadler Center and really put the career services center in a good position,” Martin said of the new career center.

Martin then discussed the utilities upgrades currently being installed throughout both the Historic and Old Campuses. Most utilities in Historic and Old Campus, including heating, cooling and water, have not been replaced since 1947.

BOV secretary Janet Brashear ’82 asked Martin if the new utilities would allow for dormitories on New Campus, such as the Botetourt Complex, to be air-conditioned. Martin said that air conditioning would be impossible without further utilities upgrades.

“Once we build ISC 3, we’ve maxed out the power [available] on New Campus,” Martin said. “Until we renovate the dorms, they won’t get air conditioning.”

Martin ended her report by discussing the possibility of a new fraternity housing complex to replace the 1960s-era Units. The College entered into negotiations with an architectural firm to conduct a feasibility study of the project Sept. 20.

“[College President Taylor Reveley] has said that we need to build 200 additional beds on campus,” Martin said.

Brashear said that the College could look to peer institutions, such as the University of Virginia, for ideas on what the future of Greek housing would look like on campus, including the possibility of constructing a single building and dividing sections among the different fraternities.

Martin said that the College and architectural firm were considering all options, including duplexes for housing.

“We just have to look at what can work on our campus,” she said.

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