’Tis the season to give back

**Green and Gold Christmas**
No one loves Christmas like a little kid, which is exactly who Green and Gold Christmas is meant to help. Volunteers play with underprivileged children from the Williamsburg Area and help with games, arts and crafts. The event is held on Saturday, Dec 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Tidewater and Chesapeake rooms of the Sadler Center.

**Winter Clothing Drive**
The Latin American Student Union is holding a clothing drive, asking for donations of winter clothing of any sort to be donated to the Refugee and Immigrant Services of Hampton. The clothing will be given to refugees who have recently arrived in the Hampton area, many with little clothing and unaccustomed to the winter climate. Donation boxes will be in the Sadler Center and Campus Center until Dec. 4.

**Angel Tree Toy Drive**
The Black Law Students Association and Christian Legal Society have joined together to host the Angel Tree Toy Drive, giving members of the College community the opportunity to select a gift to donate from a tree in the Law School lobby. The toys are donated to the Salvation Army, which distributes the toys to children for Christmas. The tree will be up until Dec. 3.

**Alternative Gift Fair**
The stress of looking for presents to give this holiday season is made easier by the International Justice Mission, which brings service organizations on camps together to sell gifts from chocolate to jewelry. The proceeds from the event go to the organizations to provide outreach and advocacy. The event will be held in the Sadler Center in Tidewater A on Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 3 to 7 p.m.

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