SA denies Honor Council intentionally violated rights

The College of William and Mary Student Assembly senate voted down a measure stating the body did not believe the Honor Council intentionally violated student rights in its meeting Tuesday.

The Peter Pan Act, sponsored by Sen. Zach Marcus ’12, sought to put this forward as an act of goodwill after months of tension between the two student governmental organizations. It also resolved to place Marcus in charge of continued negotiation with members of the Honor Council.

Due to problems with certain Honor Council practices, the SA attempted to encourage reform within the group.

The senate most recently attempted to initiate reform by denying funds to the Honor Council, applying perceived checks and balances within the Honor Code.

The Honor Council bypassed this effort by securing funds through the school administration.

“I think we have exhausted all possible efforts of discussing review and reform with the Honor Council,” Sen. Noah Kim ’13 said. “I think a few vocal members of the honor council are resistant to any review, so that direction is futile. I think discussion needs to continue by talking to students, faculty and administrators — something that could yield something, unlike talking to Honor Council members. This is a waste of our time.”

Marcus said the bill was an attempt to reach out to the Honor Council.

“It is a show of good faith on our part,” Marcus said. “As to the ‘holier than thou bullshit,’ how we should have all bills doing something — there are a bunch of code changes on the agenda tonight. Those are not doing anything.”

The bill failed 3-9-7.

“What a lot of gut here. Way to stand for something,” Sen. Curt Mills ’13 said of the number of abstentions.
Mills voted against the bill.

The senate passed the Campus Safety Assurance Act and the Keep Activities and Events Thriving Act unanimously.

The Student Protection Act, which charges the Dean of Students office to keep records of use of medical amnesty confidential, as well as expunging any public records that had been altered with information on the use of medical amnesty, passed unanimously.

Sen. Stef Felitto ’12 sponsored the Transportation of Student Groups Act, which would provide a $1,000 fund for student groups, paying for the use of the school owned vans.

The College currently charges groups $50 per use and charges a fee for excess mileage.

Sen. Mike Young ’11 and Kim sponsored four new pieces of legislation to update the SA code for student publications, acceptance of late budgets, activities and events.

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