College short of pins following Charter Day

One of the newest Charter Day traditions at the College of William and Mary, a pin commemorating the ceremony, met a major setback Friday.

At the closing of Charter Day ceremonies Feb. 4, College President Taylor Reveley announced that, as part of a new, on-going tradition, all students attending the ceremony would receive a commemorative Charter Day pin.

“All students at the ceremony will receive a special Charter Day pin, which can be worn on Commencement robes and at other state occasions,” Reveley said in an e-mail.

However, within minutes of the conclusion of this year’s ceremony, the pins were gone, leaving hundreds of students empty handed.

“To my understanding, 500 pins were ordered and distributed within the first few minutes after the ceremony was over,” Student Assembly Vice President Kaveh Sadeghian ’12 said. “I think the main reason they ran out was because of the high student attendance to the ceremony.”

The SA has promised to supply pins to those who wanted them but did not receive them.

According to SA President Chrissy Scott ’11, students who attended the ceremony but did not receive a pin were told to write down their names and e-mail addresses, and will receive one when the new order comes in.

The problem was a good one, Charter Day committee members said.

“They were very happy to run out, and in time we’ll get one to everybody,” Brittany Fallon ’11 said.

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