Robbery link investigated

The Williamsburg City Police Department is investigating a possible link between two robberies after a juvenile was arrested and charged with the robbery of a bookbag Sept. 30. The incident was similar to the incident involving a College of William and Mary student held at knifepoint near the Governor’s Inn Oct. 2.

The Sept. 30 robbery, which took place four days prior to the Governor’s Inn robbery but was never reported, came to the attention of the Williamsburg Police during their investigation of the Governor’s Inn knifepoint robbery.

“A person came forward about another person being robbed, and then we found the [stolen] property, which we traced back to the victim, who told us of the robbery,” Williamsburg Police Major Greg Riley said.

Like the second robbery, the first involved a stolen backpack, this time at 1:15 a.m. on the 1200 block of Richmond Rd. near the Bloom grocery store. However, the Sept. 30 robbery involved a single victim and a single perpetrator, while the Oct. 2 crime involved four male perpetrators.

“I know the investigator is looking into possible linkages between the two robberies, but at this point in time, I am not comfortable saying that the two robberies were linked,” Riley said.

Williamsburg Police obtained a warrant Wednesday for the arrest of a juvenile male suspected of robbery. He was taken into custody Thursday and arrested Friday.

Both the victim and the perpetrator were estimated to be of collegiate age. The descriptions and identities of the perpetrators cannot be released due to their ages.

“We are not positive if the perpetrator was a William and Mary student; he was that age,” Riley said.
The victims of neither robbery were reported harmed.

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