SA votes on Honor Council reform, Charter Day

The Student Assembly meeting Tuesday discussed the process of amending the Honor Code and proposed three new acts.

The Student Handbook states that each school’s “respective student governing bodies” vote on amendments to the Honor Code. Currently, the Undergraduate Honor Council serves as the governing body when voting on Honor Code amendments.

Senate Chair Noah Kim ’13 announced that proposed legislation is in the works to create a governing body to replace the Undergraduate Honor Council for Honor Code amendments.

Questions arose about the formation of this governing body, whether it would be a referendum of the student body or created by the undergraduate senators.

“I think the senate is well-equipped to arbitrate this sort of thing,” Kim said.

The Honor Council members present could not comment on the issue individually.

“We don’t have any specific opinions beyond the council,” an Honor Council representative said.

Next, Kim announced that a non-senior class officer misplaced the funds raised for the homecoming shirts this past weekend. As the loss of funds was not the fault of the senior class officers, and the senior class is dependent on the funds raised by these shirts, Kim proposed The Senior Class Reimbursement and Support Act.

After its introduction, the act moved to the Finance and Outreach committees for finalization and review.
Senator Grace Colby ’13 introduced the Charter Day Concert Act II to allocate $25,000 for the Charter Day concert. The senate sent the act to the Finance, Student Life, and Outreach committees.

“[The concert] was really successful last year. We really want to see it be successful again this year,” Colby said.

Next Kim introduced The Get Out and Vote Act to sponsor tables and other materials to inform students of state elections Nov. 8 and the candidates running in them. The senate forwarded the act to the Finance and Public Affairs committees for further review and finalization before the next meeting.

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