Bidding adieu to summer 2014

Here we are ladies and gentlemen – the fat lady sang, the ball fell, 2Pac dropped the mic, and the bingo caller pulled ‘B6’ and Dolores took home the Applebee’s gift card. We are done.

Though we may be bruised, beaten or bloody, we’ve gone twelve rounds with the Williamsburg summer and we’re shouting “Adrian” like a confused Philadelphian. I must say, it has been quite a ride and I couldn’t have done it without you – well, that’s a lie, but y’all at least made it more fun. But now, I’m returning to my corner for an August detox and reflection on my summer before climbing back into the ring for the next big fight – fall semester 2014.

This summer has been an adventure and, though some of you probably spent yours gallivanting off in foreign lands or raking in mad stacks working for the man, I hope at least some part of you longed to return to our beloved College. Now that the last summer final has been taken and the last intern has cleaned out their cubicle, our work here is done and I can’t say I’d have done it any other way. I must admit with a ringing cliche that it has been fun this summer. Though it was slow at times and hot and humid at others – and let’s not forget the week the whole campus smelled of fertilizer – all in all, I have had quite an experience here in my summertime home.

So in conclusion of this little exercise in the ridiculous, I’d like to just say thanks to you all for joining me and a special thank you to all the summer ’Burgers who joined me on this adventure. But I shan’t dwell on the past – mainly ’cus I’ve narrated the whole thing for y’all already – and I’ll wrap up my August reflection time on my porch with a nice refreshing drink, watching the parade of eager freshman and grizzled returning tribesmen move back in. Why lend a hand when you can advise from the lawn chair?

So with that, I bid you adieu and await our next encounter with baited breath, whatever or whenever it may be. Until then, keep it sleazy.

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