Letter to the Editor: Pi Beta Phi statement on Homecoming courting

Dear William & Mary Community,

Recently, the women of the Virginia Gamma chapter of Pi Beta Phi have engaged in some difficult, but important, conversations regarding traditions on our campus and how those traditions might be updated. Following these conversations, we’ve decided to approach Homecoming Courting in a different way this year.

While Homecoming Courting is an opportunity to meet people from organizations with whom we don’t always interact, some aspects of the process do not align with Pi Beta Phi’s core values, such as Honor and Respect.

While we appreciate the time and material gifts that organizations dedicate to the women in our chapter we believe these scenarios could potentially make people feel uncomfortable and even be considered hazing.

We also acknowledge that some traditions, such as courting, are heteronormative in nature; fraternity men are expected to court sorority women as this is the accepted campus norm. This year, we are still just as excited to partner with another organization for Homecoming Week festivities!

However, if another organization is interested in pairing, we would prefer to participate in mutually-hosted events in which we could meet each other’s members, such as food-catered events, banner-painting sessions, or sporting events. We extend this invitation to not only fraternities but to any interested single-sex or coed organization on campus.

We are working to respect the interests of all women in our sorority and other organizations who support or are part of the LGBTQIA community, and want to create a more accepting, flexible and mutually-beneficial William & Mary tradition.

If your group is interested in hosting events with us for Homecoming Courting, please contact our Vice President of Event Planning Megan Nguyen at vpep.virginiagamma@gmail.com.


The women of the Virginia Gamma chapter of Pi Beta Phi.

Email Leah Dillard, VP of Communications, at vpcvirginiagamma@gmail.com.

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