Autumn in Williamsburg brings happiness and fun for those at the College

In my first couple weeks of fall in Williamsburg, I have probably consumed more cider than I have in my whole 19 years of life (thank you, Aroma’s). Apple cider is a fall staple, so it makes sense that my rate of consumption would exponentially go up in a place where fall thrives.

Colonial Williamsburg naturally looks more inviting in the fall. I’m no longer worrying about whether or not employees will pass out from wearing a petticoat or tights in the Virginia heat, and seeing elementary school field trips takes me back to my younger days when I couldn’t resist the urge to stick my head and arms into the very inviting pillory.

But most of all, the changing leaves and crisp air make everything a little more bearable.

It finally feels less swampy; I can walk to class without arriving drenched in sweat and having to worry about whether or not the person next to me can smell me.

Instead, I can now enjoy temperatures in the 60s with the sun alleviating the need for much more than a light jacket: the ideal weather.

And even on days when it’s colder, I am still satisfied because that means I can stay inside wrapped in a blanket with an excuse to watch Netflix.

After cycling through the same five short-sleeve shirts for the past couple months, it’s time to put on some jeans and break out clothes that I’m not sick of yet. After all, it’s comfy season, and sweater weather is objectively the best.

The coziness of the season makes strolling into Blackbird Bakery or Mermaid Books that much more enjoyable. Books and baked goods were meant to be devoured sitting on a quiet bench with leaves falling and wind blowing around you. And who doesn’t love a Saturday morning Farmer’s Market in the crisp, fall weather? Even better, trips to Pumpkinville are finally appropriate, and hanging out on the Sunken Garden no longer means being attacked by a swarm of gnats.

Overall, the best thing about fall is that pretty much anything goes. Summer and winter are reserved for specific activities, but fall is the perfect time for being a couch potato or being active (I can finally go on a run without dying from the heat), for wearing scarves or wearing t-shirts, for making trips to Lake Matoaka or chilling in the hall lounge.

Although I’ve only lived in Williamsburg for a couple months, I expect fall to be my favorite season here.

My walks are more enjoyable, the classic old-timey brick buildings pop more against colorful leaves, football games are in full swing, Swem is cozier and (best of all), Thanksgiving is coming.

So, for the next couple months, I will continue filling my stomach with cider and embracing the joys of fall.

Email Caroline Wall at

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