Tribe Truck meals offer convenience, raise bar for college food service

After a complete makeover, the Tribe Truck is now setting a higher standard for food options available on campus. Just a few months ago, the Tribe Truck always looked like it was closed. It sat there all day, but I would only occasionally spot someone trying its seafood options. I tried it once myself, and while I was thrilled that it served hushpuppies, the rest of my meal was simply disappointing. I expected better, especially after doling out so many Dining Dollars. But as the weather turned warm and students returned to the College of William and Mary after a relaxing spring break, the Tribe Truck was reopened and completely revamped. Smokehouse tacos, Mediterranean bowls, fancy mac and cheese; it was like a whole new world, a world that students have been clearly eager to experience.

The main draw of the new and improved Tribe Truck is that it offers gourmet meals without draining all of your flex. Sure, it’s not all-you-can-eat, but what the Tribe Truck offers is better than anything you could find at Sadler, the Caf or even Marketplace, and it doesn’t get old. The rotating menu ensures that everyone is able to find something they like, and no one gets sick of the same options week after week.

The only downside is that the Tribe Truck is a little too popular to always be a practical dining option. If you want a special, food truck lunch, you have to carve out enough time to stand in its long line, which often extends all the way to the Daily Grind. However, if the weather is nice, you’re with your friends or even if you’re standing there alone listening to your music or reading a book, it’s worth the wait. While the line may be long, the Tribe Truck is usually quick to make your order, and once you get your food, there are plenty of spots nearby, on the Terrace or inside Lodge One, to enjoy the meal you valiantly stood in line for.

While the Tribe Truck is a tasty alternative use for your meal swipes, it makes other options for meals seem increasingly disappointing. Why can’t it all be of that superior quality?

The Tribe Truck is a step in the right direction, but it too will one day become less of a thrill. The long line we’ve all come to expect outside of Sadler will most likely become shorter and shorter, as the newness of the Tribe Truck wears off. However, regardless of whether its popularity wavers, the Tribe Truck will remain a reminder of what students would like to see more of in their dining options. Rather than letting the success of the Tribe Truck fade away, let’s keep this momentum going and decide what is the next dining option to be revamped.

Email Caroline Wall at

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