Q: Why should I file a care report? What process does it initiate?

A: The Dean of Students Office at the College of William & Mary provides students with outreach, advocacy and support services whenever they face any kind of significant challenge.

We encourage anyone — including faculty, students, staff, alumni and parents —  to submit a care report if there is concern about a particular student. Reports are monitored throughout the day and are assigned to staff members for student follow-up based on the nature and severity of the concern.

Immediate concerns for a student’s safety and well-being are addressed by the dean on call in collaboration with emergency services when applicable. Then, they are followed up by Care Support Services and other staff for ongoing needs.

Emergency and safety concerns are addressed directly with students in crisis. For non-emergency supports, students may be contacted by phone or email to discuss resources and offered an appointment time if needed.

Academic and accommodation needs are most often assigned to staff in our Academic Enrichment office or Student Accessibility Services. Enrollment and emergency absence notifications are addressed by Enrollment Support Services.

Residential concerns are typically assigned to Residence Life staff. The Center for Student Diversity also provides follow-up for academic, social and transition needs for underserved students from diverse backgrounds.  Reporters may always indicate that they would like to remain confidential and not be identified as the source of the report. Staff will follow up with reporters to indicate receipt of the report and to confirm they will connect with the student if necessary. Typical response time is between 24-72 hours, depending upon the nature and severity of the concern.

The care report system allows us to provide intervention and support to students with a wide variety of needs. We appreciate that the College’s community continues to report concerns so that we can help guide students toward appropriate resources.

There are additional ways to support students in need including sexual misconduct/Title IX incident reporting. Please reach out to the Dean of Students Office for additional information.

Rachel McDonald is the Director of Care Support Services in the William & Mary Dean of Students Office.

Email Rachel McDonald at


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