Halloween provides fun chances for costumes alongside one’s community

In order to fully portray the spirit of Halloween, I fully believe that people should go all out. I’m not sure when my absolute love and fascination with Halloween and everything spooky began. At a young age, I fantasized about being able to wear monochrome, black outfits with skull accents and plastering my room with rock bands posters and vintage items. After some time, I found my limelight — the perfect time to go all out with these desires: Halloween. Not one Halloween have I not planned at least a month ahead for my costume and gone completely in costume even when the Northeast made it snow on my favorite night of the year.

While arriving at the College of William and Mary has thrown a new twist in the spooky season, my passion for the holiday has not wavered. At this point in my life, I am a broke student with little free time, so the art of creating something from nothing is a necessary trade. This year my inspiration came from my sophomore high school self. I decided to dust off the Harley Quinn cosplay that I already owned.

When thinking of other costumes, look through your own closet — you will be amazed at what you can create. For a simple yet alternative costume, try a modern princess or to be more mainstream, go for such classics as a doctor. Now is the perfect time of year to let your creativity run wild, whether that be with a makeup brush or chic costumes. The best part of Halloween is that no matter what you do or what you wear, you can have fun with it and enjoy a holiday where everyone can dress-up and become a different person for a night.

An additional plus to the Halloween season is to have a buddy. Partner costumes with friends or significant others can be hilarious or romantic. There are so many different paths to take as inspiration, it’s a wonder at all when you can decide on just one! For some of these costumes, you can go to Party City, where you can find everything from Shark Boy and Lava Girl costumes to princesses and princes and matching onesies.

If after rampaging your closet and Party City you still have no inspiration, take to social media. Celebrities are known to go all out, and they can give some new perspective for either DIY or bought costumes. A quick Google search can point you in the proper direction of which celeb to follow for inspiration. Known fellow Halloween enthusiasts are Vanessa Hudgens, Katy Perry, Heidi Klum and Lady Gaga.

Costumes, candy and bomb movies galore, it is quite obvious Halloween is one of the best holidays and takes very little in the way of inspiration for some very creative products and fun. While college students may be too old for trick-or-treating, college can provide the perfect opportunity to perfect your costume game.

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Georgia Thoms
Georgia Thoms
Georgia Thoms is a sophomore double majoring in Classical Studies with an Archaeology concentration and Biology. So far, she is also on a pre-veterinary track. She is also Publicity Chair of Pointe Blank Dance Company! She loves to read, write, dance, and garden. She is super excited for this position and cannot wait to write some cool articles!

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