Haunted Spots at the College of William and Mary

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Which places at the College of William and Mary are the most haunted? We spoke with Margot Baden ’20, the creator of an interactive map of reported hauntings, to find out about paranormal hotspots and their links to the College’s history. Find Margot’s map here: https://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=a464aa69dcf242708e4ff916d892a63d&extent=-76.7309,37.2641,-76.6888,37.2784

Claire Hogan
Claire Hogan
Claire Hogan ‘22 was the 111th Editor-in-Chief of The Flat Hat. She’s a computational math major, and she genuinely enjoys spreadsheets. Outside of her Flat Hat duties, you can find her listening to a podcast, doing calligraphy, or debunking a conspiracy theory on the internet.

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