What Makes a Good University Library? (ft. W&M, UMich, BYU, NYU, UVA)

The United States is home to hundreds of high-level academic institutions each with its own robust system of library services. Seen as the library holds an integral responsibility among the University structure, such as supplying students with the adequate resources and providing research assistance through consultation, it’s essential to have a good one. While each library is unique in a way that compliments its academic institution, by taking an in depth look at the services each one provides, we might begin to see how they’re all not too different after all.

The five presented libraries (accompanied by their respective website):
Earl Gregg Swem Library (William & Mary): https://libraries.wm.edu
Shapiro Library (University of Michigan): https://www.lib.umich.edu
Harold B. Lee Library (Brigham Young University): https://lib.byu.edu
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library (New York University): https://library.nyu.edu
Clemons Library/Alderman Library (University of Virginia): https://www.library.virginia.edu

The five libraries that were presented in the video were chosen based on:
One: Proximity to W&M (UVA).
Two: Pure happenstance (UMich).
Three: The correspondent’s proficiency in cinematography (BYU, NYU).

00:00 Introduction

00:27 William & Mary

03:45 University of Michigan

08:27 Brigham Young University

12:06 New York University

14:37 University of Virginia

17:06 Conclusion

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Taiga Lewis
Taiga (he/him) hails from Tokyo, Japan. He makes videos and is excited to make more videos.