
Whether you’re a Flat Hat alum, a relative of a current staff member, or just someone who appreciates student-run journalism, we encourage you to donate to keep our organization up and running. We have two options for donations: a direct PayPal that helps us with day-to-day expenses, and a university-managed fund that promotes journalism education for our staff.

PayPal: Use the link below to donate directly to our PayPal. This money is used for everyday expenses, and is completely controlled by our staff, rather than the College.

Flat Hat Fund: The College controls a fund through University Advancement which can only be used for “journalism-related projects and programming.” This money is controlled by the College, and we have limited access to it. In the past, we have used Flat Hat Fund money to bring in speakers and send our staff to journalism conferences.

If you would like to donate to the Flat Hat Fund, please use this link to donate and search for “Flat Hat Fund” (number 3431).

Thank you! Because of donors like you, we’re able to keep producing quality journalism for the College community and beyond.

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