Joining The Flat Hat

Any undergraduate student at the College is eligible to join The Flat Hat at any time. Please contact the editor of the section you are interested in, or email the Operations Coordinator for general information.

Without an official journalism program at the College, The Flat Hat is the student resource for journalism on campus. Recent staff members have gone on to pursue degrees at institutions such as Columbia School of Journalism and work in local and national publications ranging from Politico to The Washington Post, New York Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Williamsburg-Yorktown Daily, and many more. Annual conferences and alumni events held across the country for staff members allow the opportunity for both networking with top journalists and development of journalism-related skills.

Whether you are interested in pursuing journalism or not, working with The Flat Hat can be a valuable and rewarding experience. With The Flat Hat, you will develop valuable, marketable skills and have fun contributing to the campus conversation.

New writers will work personally with staff members to improve their writing and interviewing techniques and prepare themselves for future careers in the field. The Flat Hat runs an internship program which accepts applications every September and runs for the duration of the fall semester. This program allows participants to gain hands-on experience in writing, editing, digital media and content development for two sections of their choosing. Joining this program is the best option for students interested in becoming editors of the paper. Alternatively, the Flat Hat staff writer program allows students to start writing for the paper at any time with less training and requirements involved than with the internship program.

Not interested in writing? The Flat Hat still has opportunities for you.

The photography staff documents campus events with an artistic flair, while graphic designers contribute to the visual appeal of the paper with stunning illustrations and assist with more creative page designs.

Familiar with or interested in video production, podcasts, or social media? Join the online team, which works to investigate and report the news and document campus life through video, audio, sound and images.

The Flat Hat business staff works with both local and national companies and organizations to reach the student body and maintain the continued financial operations of the paper.

Those interested in computer programming can join The Flat Hat’s web development team and assist in website design, interactive digital content solutions and Information Technology.

To contact any section, please see our “Contact Information” page.

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