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Tag: Sydney Manlove

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Student Affairs announces changes to Student Handbook, solicits comments

Thursday, Sept. 19, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Public Safety Virginia Ambler ’88, Ph.D. ’06 and Associate Vice President for Community Values...

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo: restoring  separation of powers

John Powers ‘26 is a public policy major hailing from Brooklyn, NY. He works as a Resident Assistant in Lemon Hall, serves as an...

College administration changes protest guidelines, SJP shares reactions, holds first demonstration of academic year

Monday, Aug. 26, the College of William and Mary's website updated policies related to use of campus facilities and freedom of expression. College administrators...

Why you will fall in love with “Gilmore Girls” this Autumn

Jessica Ballance '25 is a biology major (pre-pharmacy) and an anthropology minor. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Phi Omega...

Fall Festivities: Cultural organizations collaborate on Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

Checking out different events hosted on Sunken Garden is typically a great place to start for students looking to get involved with new communities...