News in Brief (Feb. 13, 2007)

New School of Education to replace Sentara Hospital

According to The Daily Press, the College plans to build a new School of Education on the old Sentara hospital location. The school, which is slated to open in the spring of 2010, is estimated to be a 109,000 square-foot building with about 420 parking spaces.
The Sentara property, bought for $8.7 million, has 12 acres that could be used for development. VP for Administration Anna Martin said that there is more room for future buildings on the property, the Daily Press reported.
The BOV heard updates on other construction projects and discussed possible plans to build an arts complex within the next six years that would house theater, music, speech, dance and the Muscarelle Museum of Art.

Survey shows starting salaries are up for most majors

According to a survey released last week by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers expect to hire 17.4 percent more college graduates than they did last year. Those majoring in marketing and business administration had the highest increases in average starting salary from last year. Business administration majors averaged a 9.2 percent gain. Others that gained were computer science, accounting and engineering.
But there were decreases in liberal arts majors (which include psychology, political science, history and English). They were down 1.1 percent.

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