SA discusses election protocol

    In the year’s shortest meeting so far, the Student Assembly discussed a potential website to run the College’s elections and the prospects for the consolidated reserve.

    p. The meeting took place at 7 p.m. Members may have been looking ahead to the freshman senatorial candidate “meet and greet” at 8 p.m., a few senators were late and most of the graduate school representatives were absent. After Matt Brown ’08
    finished a phone call with an unknown party, he was heard saying, “He just chugged a beer, he’ll be right over,” to Senate Chairman Matt Beato ’09.

    p. Shortly after the call and about 10 minutes after the meeting was supposed to start, Senators Matt Skibiak ’08 and Joe Luppino-Esposito ’08 entered the room; the meeting was soon called to order.

    p. The elections committee presented the SA with a proposal on, the internet company that the College is considering hiring to run student elections. The service costs $2,500 a year; the company does not charge per election and has two secure off-site servers to ensure confidentiality of results. The College’s alumni committees recommended the website. The biggest problem with is that it does not offer instant run-off
    voting, which prevents officials from seeing progress during an election.

    p. “SA constitution says undergrads are elected by instant run off voting,” Beato said.

    p. If website is approved, it will have to change its constitution, which would be voted upon at a later date. Many senators assured the freshman candidates in attendance that Tuesday night’s meeting was a poor reflection of usual SA proceedings.

    p. “If you’re going to go out and drink before the meeting, fine, but please try and be on time,” Beato said at the end of the meeting.

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