This Week in Flat Hat History (Jan. 25)

    Five College students departed with Dr. E.C. Branchi, professor at the College, on a 12,000-mile road trip to South America. The caravan reached Buenos Aires three months later after covering over 500 miles of land lacking roads. Branchi attempted to obtain a signature in each country they passed in support of the construction of an intercontinental highway.

    p. **1961**
    The William and Mary Choir made their first radio debut on the NBC radio program “Great Choirs in the United States.” The chorus received a spot on the program by sending in a tape-recorded audition to NBC. The chorus sang “Regina Coeli” from Mascagni’s “Cavalleria Rusticana” for the show.

    p. **1977**
    Construction work continued around campus, including a $59,000 renovation to the third floor of Washington Hall and multiple new sidewalks for the purpose of “beautifing the campus.” Construction, which began in November, was set for completion in March.

    p. **1986**
    The College’s academic ratings increased from four to the maximum five stars in the third edition of the “Selective Guide to Colleges” by Edward B. Fiske, education editor of The New York Times. The College continues to have a five-star rating today.

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