More nightlife options to open near campus

Students looking for more nightlife options could soon get their wish, at the expense of the College.

The Green Leafe Café plans to open a nightclub in the area that currently houses Bikes Unlimited.

And the William and Mary Real Estate Foundation, established in 2006 to manage properties, recently submitted a request for proposals to develop a parcel of land between Richmond Road and Prince George Street, across the street from campus.

The foundation is accepting schematics, drawings and company information from developers through September.

“The main emphasis of this project is to satisfy student demand for retail and entertainment within walking distance,” Foundation Executive Director Nancy Buchanan said.

The land was purchased in February by the foundation and includes three adjacent properties between the Williamsburg Baptist Church and Wawa, totaling one acre in size: 303 Richmond Rd., which currently houses Human Resources, 301 Richmond Rd., the old location for Master Craftsmen, and 632 Prince George St.

Plans for the area include a three-story structure with room for 9,000 square feet of retail on the first floor. The upper-two floors would be apartment-style housing with room for 42 occupants.

Buchanan said the College has already contacted the foundation about leasing the housing area to become part of campus housing.

A 2006 study by Widmeyer Communications showed an increased student desire for evening and late-night venues.

The foundation is considering opening a 24-hour diner for its newly acquired property.

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