That Guy: Ross Sheil

__Clad in a crimson polo and khakis, Ross Sheil is looking snappy. I’m met by an interesting outfit juxtaposition, however, when I glance down at the basketball kicks he dons for both giving back to the community and blowing off steam on the intramural courts. You might recognize the tall redhead as the president of Lambda Chi Alpha or from some of your history or accounting classes, but for now I get to sit down with Ross Sheil to hear about his favorite traditions at the College and what it’s like to coach 8-year-olds.__

**What’s something that people might not know about you?**

I enjoy art a lot. I did a lot of art classes growing up and fulfilled my arts GER with a drawing class here. I actually really enjoy drawing; if it weren’t so time-consuming I would look into taking more classes.

**Do you have a favorite artist?**

Not especially. I like more traditional, less modern stuff.

**What are three things you can’t live without?**

Sports, “The Office” and coffee. I’m way more of a morning person than a night person. I do most of my best homework very early in the morning, so I can wake up early. Coffee has definitely become a necessity.

**Grind or Starbucks?**

Usually my own in my room. I have a coffeemaker in there.

**You are graduating next semester to pursue a masters in accounting. As you think about leaving, what’s one thing that you think students shouldn’t miss out on?**

I didn’t embrace all of the campus-wide traditions until last year. I didn’t go to Yule Log or Grand Illumination or things like that. I think anyone who decides that they don’t want to do it or thinks they’re too cool for that kind of thing is probably missing out, because traditions are part of what makes going to school here unique, and they’re also a lot of fun.

**Do you have a favorite?**

I like the Yule Log a lot. I hope it’s good this year. I thought Gene Nichol was great. Whether people liked him or not as a result of everything that happened last year, I think everyone would agree that he was close to the community and a lot of people liked him on a personal level.

**You’re involved in a lot on campus, but I’ve heard you mention basketball several times. Tell me about it.**

Sports have been a big part of my life growing up. I’ve tried to stick with them in any way I can since I’ve been in college. I’ve always loved to watch, play and now coach.

**You coach?**

I coach Rec basketball. I did it with my freshman roommate who is the one who found out about it. We just thought it would be a fun way to get involved in something in the area sort of outside the immediate campus and something we could really get excited about. We’re both really competitive and we’ve taken teaching the kids really seriously, even though it’s pretty hard with young kids. It’s great to work with them and see them improve.

**How old are they?**

Our first season they were 10 years old and this season they are eight and nine. It’s a lot harder with the younger kids. It’s kind of like herding cats. [Laughs] That’s how I describe it. But the best part about it is seeing them do things at the end of the season that they couldn’t do at the beginning.
**What about music? If I turned on your iPod right now what would I be listening to?**

I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, but right now you would probably hear Billy Joel or the Beach Boys.

**What book are you reading at the moment?**

I am reading a book for my senior seminar in history called “The General History of the Pirates.” The class is called “The Golden Age of Piracy” and it’s pretty awesome. I think I’d kill myself if I only had to take accounting classes. The history stuff is very interesting to me; I just decided to do it sort of for fun.

**Any vested interest in pirates or was this just for kicks?**

I don’t know. I think it just goes back to my youth, back to the adventure stories you read as a kid. I’m definitely enjoying the class.
**What do you consider your greatest achievement?**

Hopefully my greatest achievements are still ahead of me. [Laughs]

__Ross may be kept busy by coaching and his double major, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find him shooting hoops.__

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