Tribe fever hits College

A message like this bears repeating: The Tribe performed excellently in Charlottesville this weekend as it outplayed a team many considered its better. Our hats are off to Coach Jimmye Laycock and his squad, whose dedication over the past months and years allowed them to be able to deliver this once-in-a-decade win that we will remember for a long time to come.

What a sweet feeling it was when the underdogs carried the game as the clock hit zero. In the pages of this edition of The Flat Hat, we have written much about the Tribe’s rock-solid defense, creative and effective offense and stand-out individual performances that allowed it to capitalize on an opponent who did not show up to play. And we have not been alone in covering this game; Saturday’s performance has drawn national attention, putting our university’s name in some of the most-read papers and most-watched sports shows in the country. We will not repeat all of this praise here, but let us give the team just one more line: The excitement after this season opener has been infectious, and we cannot wait to see where you take us from here.

The players on the field are not the only ones who deserve congratulations for their participation in Saturday’s win. The brimming visitors section was loud, rowdy and enthusiastic. Frankly, we are proud; this kind of fan support is worthy of a much larger school. And even if a few dozen Virginia state police officers were successful in preventing our students from rushing the field after the game, we have found some schadenfreude in the ringing they are still probably hearing in their ears after so many booming rounds of the alma mater.

It was not just students in the visitors section; many alumni and local fans made the trip to Charlottesville as well. Thanks for coming out, and we look forward to watching the rest of the season with you.
In particular, Tribal Fever President Chase Hathaway ’10 and his group should be recognized for their effort at increasing student support for Tribe sporting events. After raising funds with the Student Assembly to subsidize student tickets and transportation costs for the game this weekend, it looks like they are off to a great start. And it was a sheer pleasure to see Hathaway personally leading fans in cheers throughout the game.

Let’s keep this up. This will be a great year.

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