The Pulse: 15 Sept. 2009

Rock musician and Williamsburg native Bruce Hornsby will perform on Jay Leno’s new show Thursday night with music legend Eric Clapton. Hornsby and his band the Noisemakers released a new album, “Levitate,” today.

Williamsburg residents want to know: What’s up with the Wawa dorm? Michael J. Fox, President Reveley’s chief of staff, updated the Neighborhood Council of Williamsburg Saturday morning on “the Triangle Project,” so named because it will replace three dilapidated buildings the College owns on Richmond Road. It will house 56 students above a retail area on the first floor, he said, and is expected to open in the fall of 2011.

Fox noted the poor economy has hurt efforts to find retailers to fill out space on the first floor.

Glenn Close ’74 will likely win another Best Drama Actress Emmy this year, the Los Angeles Times says. Although the College alum is facing some tough contend¬ers, including Elisabeth Moss, Mariska Hargitay and Kyra Sedgwick, critic Tom O’Neil notes: “At the end of the day, can anyone really win this category over the dynamite of Glenn Close? Probably not.”

If you passed by the Sunken Garden Sunday you may have heard the joyful screams as sororities handed out bids. Fraternities began distributing bids yesterday; they have until Wednesday, Sept. 23, to add pledges.

The College may have lost its world record claim to the “Thriller” dance, but with yesterday’s passing of actor Patrick Swayze, perhaps students could get back in the Guinness book by doing some “Dirty Dancing.”

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