AMP to host “Club Swem” tonight

Rather than anxiously studying for midterms, furiously writing papers, and hectically finishing group projects, Swem library will be full of students partying and dancing. AMP will be hosting “Club Swem” on the first floor of Swem tonight.

The event will run from 9 p.m. Friday night to 1 a.m. Saturday. If the 875 confirmed guests on the Facebook event are any indication, the event should be a massive success. AMP will be providing a DJ, dance floor, glow sticks and refreshments for the party. Students will need to show their College IDs at the door for admission.

While this may be the epitome of TWAMPY behavior, the event is sure to be a huge hit. As one student quips on the Facebook event, “This is going to be awesome. Can’t wait!”

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