Residence Life assigns new housing zones

    In an effort to meet the increased housing demand for the class of 2015, College of William and Mary Residence Life is playing its own version of musical chairs — with dorms.

    Beginning in the fall 2011 semester, Jefferson Hall, Brown Hall and Taliaferro Hall are scheduled to change housing distinction to better accommodate new students, according to a residence life statement released Feb. 18.

    “We considered a great number of possibilities,” Katrina Pawvluk, associate director of residence life, said in an e-mail. “Anytime there is a change in the freshmen class we look at current designations, consider how many additional spaces we will need then run possible changes to see what potential changes get us closest to the increase we need. We also take upper-class housing into consideration when looking at changes.”

    Traditionally, Jefferson Hall housed freshmen only at the basement level. Starting this fall, the entire dorm will house freshmen. To combat the loss of upper-classmen housing, the third floor in Taliaferro Hall will be changed to upper-class housing. This change opens up two single rooms and four double rooms. Additionally, the third floor of Brown Hall will switch to substance-free housing — similar to the current arrangement on Jefferson’s third floor — and its lower floors will become upperclassmen housing. The substance-free floor will provide upperclassmen with one single room, 13 double rooms and one quad room.

    There is little chance any additional rooms in Jefferson will be opened to upperclassmen.

    “Based on the increase in the freshmen class all the spaces will be assigned to the class of 2015 [in Jefferson Hall],” Pawvluk said. “The class of 2015 will grow by a total of 70 [students]. 50 [students] as part of the traditional class and 20 [students] as part of the St. Andrews program.”

    The total number of bumped students is not yet known. The voluntary opt-out process begins March 14 and, if needed, the waitlist will be formed March 21.

    If completed on time, the addition of Tribe Square will open 56 beds to upperclassmen starting this fall.
    Pawvluk said the College is currently conducting a feasibility study to add approximately 200 beds to campus housing, most likely in the form of fraternity housing. This move would open up more Units housing to non-fraternity members.

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