Virginia Republican Primary Result Live Blog

Update 11:12 PM

Mitt Romney is the projected winner in the Vermont and Massachusetts primaries, with 70% and 95% of precincts reporting respectively. Rick Santorum is the projected winner in North Dakota, with 87% of precincts reporting, Tennessee, with 89% of precincts reporting, and Oklahoma, with 92% of precincts reporting. Newt Gingrich is the projected winner in Georgia, earning 47% of the vote with 95% of precincts reporting. Ohio remains tied with Romney and Santorum each holding 37% of the vote with 85% reporting.

Update 10:06PM

The city of Williamsburg is comprised of two voting precincts. The Berkley Precinct polls at the Williamsburg United Methodist Church on Jamestown Road, and contains nearly all of the College of William and Mary’s campus, as well as neighborhoods south of Jamestown Road. The Stryker Precinct polls at the Williamsburg Community Building located at 401 North Boundary Street, and consists of the Eastern half of Williamsburg. According to the Virginia State Board of Elections, the Berkley Precinct cast 201 (67.90 percent) votes for Mitt Romney, and 95 (32.09 percent) votes for Ron Paul. The Stryker Precinct totaled 145 (52.34 percent) votes for Romney, and 132 (47.65 percent) for Ron Paul. A total of 64 absentee ballots were cast, 37 for Romney and 27 for Paul.

Update 9:25 PM

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney is the projected winner in the Virginia Primary Election. Mitt Romney received 147,832 votes, which comprised 59 percent of the 249,888 total counted votes. Ron Paul got the other 41 percent of the vote, totaling 102,056 votes received. According to Wikipedia, 489,252 voters participated in the 2008 Republican primary, indicating an unenthused Virginia GOP electorate. Analysts say the low turnout is a result of both lack of ballot choice and strong endorsements from the Republican establishment for Mitt Romney.

“We know that the GOP electorate… is not happy with the candidate choices they have, that’s clear not only in surveys but that’s clear in voting behavior,” Christopher Newport University professor Quentin Kidd said to the Daily Press last week.

Update 8:51 PM

According to data from CNN, 54 percent of voters in the primary were men, 46 percent women. Twelve percent of voters were 17-29 ears old, 17 percent were 30-44, 44 percent were 45-64, and 27 percent were 65+.

Update 8:47 PM

With 96 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney still holds 59 percent of the vote, Paul with 41 percent.

Update 8:30 PM

Williamsburg city has currently reported 383 votes for Mitt Romney, and 254 votes for Ron Paul, with 100 percent reporting.

Update 8:23 PM

With 75 percent of precincts reporting, Mitt Romney is leading, with 59 percent of the vote, over Ron Paul with 41 percent of the vote.

Update 8:09 PM

Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were the only candidates on the ballot today due to Virginia’s strict ballot requirements. Both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich failed to acquire the 10,000 voter signatures.

Update: 7:57 PM

The Washington Post is currently reporting that Mitt Romney is leading with 59.2 percent over Ron Paul with 40.8 percent in the Virginia Republican Primary, with 60 percent of precincts reporting.

Zach Hardy
Zach Hardy
Zach Hardy '15 is an English major from Richmond, Va. He was previously Chief Staff Writer, Online Editor and Associate Online Editor.

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