Reveley faints due to possible dehydration

College of William and Mary President Taylor Reveley was taken to the hospital after he fainted Saturday afternoon during the family weekend picnic in the Wren Yard.

Associate Vice President of Communications and University Relations Brian Whitson said the hospital visit was just a precaution.

“Thankfully he is doing fine,” Whitson said in an email. “We believe he got dehydrated.”

Following Reveley’s hospital visit, Whitson said Reveley felt much better and was able to speak at a tailgate before Saturday night’s football game.

“I’m feeling fine,” Reveley said in an email. “It was quite a spectacle — down and out in the Wren Yard in the midst of the picnic. I got dehydrated. Once refloated in the hospital, I was perfectly okay. Made it to the tailgate and game. I’m now drinking lots of water — lots of water.”

Reveley, 70, has served as the College’s president since 2008.

Abby Boyle
Abby Boyle
Senior staff writer Abby Boyle '15 is an English major from Bexley, Ohio. She was previously Managing Editor, News Editor, Variety Editor and Associate Variety Editor.

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