HSAC releases 2013-2014 final report

Provost Michael Halleran recently emailed the student body the Honor System Advisory Committee Academic Year 2013-2014 Final Report.

According to the Final Report, the revised Undergraduate Honor Council has handled 26 cases, 21 of which were academic.

The report states, “This figure is roughly in line with the total number of recent years.”

In 18 of the 26 cases, the student was found responsible, in three the student was found not responsible, and five have been carried over to the Fall 2014 semester.

One of the changes made to the Undergraduate Honor Council last year was the addition of an optional student-faculty early resolution process. Of the 26 cases last academic year, eight were eligible for, and resolved by, this early resolution process, which involves a resolution between the student and faculty member without a Council hearing.

Of the 26 cases, one resulted in contingent dismissal, five in suspension, five in probation with loss of privileges, five in probation, and two in grade and education sanctions.

Sam Dreith
Sam Dreith
Associate Variety Editor Sam Dreith '18 is an English and Economics major from Richmond, Virginia.

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