At the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, fraternity row on Ukrop Way will house two new organizations: Sigma Chi and Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternities.
At the end of the fall 2017 semester, the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was required to vacate its on-campus house as a result of sanctions placed on the chapter due to a party held in the spring 2017 semester. The house at 720 Ukrop Way is not currently the home to a fraternity chapter. Next academic year, Sigma Chi will fill this vacancy, as it does not currently have an on-campus location.
740 Ukrop Way, which is currently home to Beta Theta Pi fraternity, will soon be home to Alpha Epsilon Pi, which currently has an on-campus address on Armistead Avenue. According to Assistant Director for Student Leadership Development Joe Wheeless, not enough members of Beta Theta Pi chose to live in the on-campus house for the 2018-2019 academic year, and therefore the chapter did not meet minimum leasing requirements.
“Beta Theta Pi is in good standing and this is not related to chapter conduct,” Wheeless said in an email to members of Fraternity and Sorority Life. “Beta Theta Pi will complete their lease through the end of this semester. … Please welcome Alpha Epsilon Pi to the neighborhood!”