My experiences during Ramadan in 2021: practicing Islam remotely and on campus

My alarm woke me up for sehri, the morning meal Muslims eat before dawn. I decided to eat pasta because I know it would fill me up and keep me energized throughout the day. After I finished my meal, I decided to begin my school assignments for the day since it was difficult for me to fall back asleep after a hearty meal. Even with this early start to the day, taking remote classes during the month of Ramadan can be slightly challenging.

I usually wake up for sehri around 3 a.m. and stay up until 6:30 a.m. or 7 a.m. to complete assignments. My first class begins at 9 a.m., during which it can be difficult to focus due to the shift in my sleep schedule. After my first class ends, I usually decide to go back to bed and take a nap before my next two classes for the day. These two classes are both discussion-based which requires me to participate and speak a lot during class. This can be uneasy since when Muslims are fasting, they can’t eat or drink anything during the day, including water.

After I finish attending classes, I normally have about two hours before iftar, the evening meal where I can break my fast at sunset. During those two hours, I help plan and create meals for my family to eat to break our fasts. I will also normally do other assignments in between creating these meals, however, it can be difficult because I tend to get hangry, which causes me to get irritated over the smallest problems. It can also make me lose focus and get distracted during class.

Even though I am not on campus, I still receive newsletters about new additions on campus. I learned that Caf is extending their dining hours, opening until 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. I also read that Center Court at Sadler Center is extending its dining hours, from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Even though the meats won’t be halal, I think it is a stepping stone to being more inclusive and accommodating to Muslim students.

School during Ramadan can be quite stressful, especially because midterms and final exams take place during that time. I can sometimes get anxious and worried. In order to have a somewhat relaxing time, I try my best to take as many naps as possible. This Ramadan experience is very unique to me since I am able to rest in between my classes, whereas if I was in person, I might not have had that option if my classes were held in buildings far away from my dorm. At home, preparing iftar and sehri meals together as a family sounds wholesome, but it is stressful and time-consuming in practice. However, if I was on campus, I would probably have my meals already prepped. Either way, this will be an experience I won’t forget.

Bushra Bablu ’24 is a remote student planning to double major in government and economics. Bushra serves as an associate opinions editor for The Flat Hat and the business manager for Flat Hat Magazine. Outside of The Flat Hat, Bushra is also involved with One for the World and Women in Business. Email Bushra at

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