PBS host, top environmental conservationist M. Sanjayan to speak at Commencement

Wednesday, March 19, the College of William and Mary announced that CEO of Conservation International and host of the PBS series “Changing Planet” M. Sanjayan will serve as this May’s Commencement ceremony speaker. He will also receive an honorary degree from the College at the event.

“I’m deeply honored to receive this recognition from William & Mary, especially during the Year of the Environment,” Sanjayan told the College. “The challenges ahead are big — bigger than any one person or place — but so are the opportunities. It’s exciting to see William & Mary committing to the next generation of environmental leaders, equipping them with the skills, knowledge and ambition to tackle these issues head-on. The Class of 2025 will be at the forefront of this work — as policymakers, scientists, storytellers and advocates. I can’t wait to meet them and see how they shape the future.”

The selection of Sanjayan comes amidst the College’s designation of the “Year of the Environment” by College President Katherine Rowe. 

Born in Sri Lanka and raised in West Africa, Sanjayan received a master’s degree from the University of Oregon and a doctoral degree in conservation biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz. In 2023, Sanjayan was named by TIME magazine as one of the top 100 leaders in environmental protection and restoration. 

Sanjayan’s shows with PBS, BBC and National Geographic have won numerous awards. His latest series – “Changing Planet” – debuted in 2022. 

“In the third year of this 7-year project examining the issues facing the planet’s most threatened ecosystems, Dr. M. Sanjayan visits the Maldives to take an in-depth look at coral reefs and the urgent efforts to help them survive climate change,” the show’s description reads on the PBS website. 

Many student groups and organizations have celebrated the “Year of the Environment” designation, which came after the previous “Year of the Arts.”

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Peerawut Ruangsawasdi
Peerawut Ruangsawasdi
Peerawut (he/him) is a government Major from Alexandria, Virginia, who loves Thai food and is trying to learn the violin and alto saxophone. He hopes to help The Flat Hat realize its mission of delivering essential news that campus needs.

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