Construction and parking updates alter student expectations, displace resident’s housing


One Tribe One Place remains closed for fall 2020

Aug. 5, 2020, just days before move-in for early arrival students, the College of William and Mary announced via email that One Tribe Place will not be available for residents to move in. Currently, the upperclassman dorm is still in the final stages of inspections for occupancy permits.

One Tribe Place closed for the 2019-2020 school year to undergo renovations, but was expected to be reopened this August for returning students.  In the email sent by Vice President for Student Affairs Ginger Ambler ’88 PH.D. ’06, there was no definite date given for when One Tribe Place’s final inspections will end. Residents of One Tribe Place were given three options: move into a temporary dorm room until One Tribe Place opens, request a permanent new dorm room or remain at home until One Tribe Place opens.

Parking changes alter transportation system

Announced to students and staff via an email and an update on the website, the College revealed changes to its Parking and Transportation rules for the upcoming school year.

These changes come as a result of the 2013 and 2019 Walker Study which provided recommendations to the Parking Advisory Committee.

First, Grad Plex residents can no longer park on level two and three of the deck on Ukrop Way, and Zable Stadium will only serve as a faculty and staff parking lot.

This reorganization will move student parking out of the core of campus. The College will then convert 154 spaces to designated areas for campus guests and non-affiliated visitors and will manage visitor payment through the Passport Pay-by-phone app.

The last change establishes two extra shuttle routes to compliment the WATA Green line, which will be free for students who show their College IDs.

Lulu Dawes
Lulu Dawes
Lulu Dawes was the 112th Editor-in-Chief of The Flat Hat. She is a history and psychology double major, and before becoming EIC was the managing editor and a news editor.

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