Rain diminishes student life, creates unwelcome difficulties in navigating College campus

As someone who hates the rain, the College of William and Mary may have been a questionable choice of colleges. As a junior, I have taught myself the best ways to adapt to this dreaded weather, between wearing loose clothes in the rain, investing in rain boots that don’t totally look like rain boots and walking through dorm and classroom buildings along my route as much as I can — or at least I did pre-COVID-19.  

 The best part of living in Jefferson Hall during my freshman and sophomore year was walking through Barrett Hall, Chandler Hall and Landrum Hall via the covered brick paths between the buildings on the way to Sadler Center or new campus. I guess I didn’t hate the rain as much then as I do now, since it was somewhat avoidable. I currently live in Landrum, and I would be lying if I said that I did not consider the amazing rain coverage in that decision because I despise the rain that strongly. Now, on rainy days, I yearn for the time when I could enter whatever dorm that I wanted with my campus ID card. I’m sure that many Barrett residents thought that I actually lived there based on how frequently I walked through the first floor.  

But the one thing that I hate more than rain is when people say that rain is their favorite type of weather. No, it’s not. Stop pretending like it is. It doesn’t make you quirky to like something that no one else in their right mind enjoys. I know that originality is great and all, but what did a sunny day ever do to you? Are you Edward Cullen? Are you only able to hide your vampiric identity while away from direct sunlight due to your glittery skin?  

I didn’t think so.  

In sunny weather, students have full access to the campus. Nothing is off limits or undesirable. Not only does rain discourage students from being outside due to the general unpleasant experience of being rained on, but the College is not exactly equipped with the best drainage system. Certain walkways across campus quite literally turn into the rushing rapids if there is enough water, and walking to dinner can be a dangerous excursion. Then, add the occasional missing brick on a sidewalk, which is easy enough to avoid in the sunlight, but when it fills with three inches of rainwater, is suddenly impossible to identify. I hope you like twisted ankles and soggy socks.  

Especially during COVID-19, rain ruins any potential that the day could have had. We cannot visit friends in their dorms; inside hang-out spots such as Lodge 1 limit one person per table, and all campus buildings lock far earlier than before, so there’s little to do during inclement weather but take cover in our own beds and waste the day away.  

What is there to love about the rain? I cannot think of a single thing. Do you love frizzy hair, rain spattered glasses and muddy shoes? What about gloomy moods, loneliness and soggy food that you have to trudge through campus to eat due to dining restrictions? Rain only makes life more inconvenient. Although I don’t always complete tasks in the most efficient manner, even I can recognize the ways that rain interferes with my life. Maybe, if they made windshield wipers for glasses, I could give rain a chance, but alas, they do not. My neck pain from looking down during every rainfall in order to maintain some vision does not thank any of the peculiar rain-lovers who most definitely perform their rain dances in order to relieve their semester stresses before bed. 

Of course, I am happy that people are finding pleasure in the simple joys here at the College — for example, maybe they enjoy what is basically free water park access — but I beg of you: find a new love and spare any splashing of your fellow students. 

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Alyssa Slovin
Alyssa Slovin
Opinions Editor Alyssa Slovin ’22 is double majoring in marketing and English at the College of William and Mary, and she plans on working in book publishing or marketing after graduation. When she’s not spending time writing, editing and designing for the newspaper and Flat Hat Magazine — where she serves as an Editor-in-Chief — Alyssa thrives off talking to her friends, reading, watching YouTube, organizing and cooking. Keep up with her Opinions articles to read about all types of issues that concern campus, with articles spanning the importance of a woman’s right to choose and the dangers of campus brick thieves.

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