Staff Editorial: Welcome from The Flat Hat

Dear Class of 2012,


We are The Flat Hat, the twice-weekly student newspaper at the College of William and Mary. We had a busy year last year: a controversy over the Sex Workers’ Art Show, the resignation of our College President, the ensuing campus outrage, the steps of so many to bring the school back together, the incredible run of our overachieving men’s basketball team, and finally a historic City Council election, featuring one of our students, Matt Beato. We even found time to pick up some hardware along the way – winning a Pacemaker Award, the highest honor in student journalism.

We wanted to introduce ourselves, because we hope that as we get to know you over the coming years, you’ll get to know us as well. We’re never too far away (be it the Sadler Center, the Caf or online).

We know you’ve been bombarded many times already with heavy words of wisdom and advice, and we’ll spare you by not piling on further.

But we will say this: We hope to see you get involved. Whatever your passion, find an outlet on campus. Because of our position as the reporters of all that goes on around here, we know as well as anybody about the incredible diversity of interests, talents and passions of the students here. Find something you love and stick with it. It’d be a shame for all this opportunity to go to waste.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best of luck. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can do.

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