Nichol, wife returning to UNC law

Former College President Gene Nichol has accepted an offer to teach at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill School of Law.

p. College spokesperson Brian Whitson released a statement from Interim College President Taylor Reveley Thursday morning, announcing that Nichol and his wife, law professor Glenn George, will return to the Chapel Hill law school faculty.

p. Before becoming president of the College, Nichol had been the dean of the UNC law school, where George was a professor.
Nichol resigned his position as College president Feb. 12, following the Board of Visitors’ decision to not renew his contract.

p. In an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Matt Marvin, a spokesperson for UNC law school, said that the controversy surrounding Nichol’s resignation did not alarm UNC officials, and that Nichol and George will help “fill gaps” in the UNC faculty.
According to Marvin, Nichol and George will receive tenured positions July 1, following a review.

p. Nichol did not respond to requests for comment.

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