By The Numbers (Nov. 2)

**39 degrees**
The average low temperature for November in Williamsburg, nine degrees lower than the October average. The average high is 62 degrees.

p. **405**
The age of a clam that was discovered off the coast of Iceland, making it the oldest creature known to have lived. Nicknamed “Ming” after the Chinese dynasty that was in power when it was born, the clam was discovered by scientists almost a year ago, but died before its age was announced.

p. **5 million**
The number of new customers who subscribe to China Mobile each month. As the biggest cell phone carrier in the world, China Mobile has been finding new customers in the country’s rural interior, where only 1 in 10 people have mobile phones.

p. **50 million**
The number of feral cats in the United States, based on a 1997 study by the Progressive Animal Welfare Society.

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