This Week in Flat Hat History (Feb. 9)


Duke Ellington performed a two- hour concert at Phi Beta Kappa Hall sponsored by the William and Mary student government. The concert was open to a limited 805 students and other ticket holders. The student government sold the tickets for $2.50.


The Student Assembly debated whether or not the College’s American Indian symbol should be redesigned “in order to enhance the dignity of the American Indian.”
This occurred after nation-wide complaints from American Indian groups about degrading symbols.
A motion to completely abolish the mascot failed. However, the orginial resolution to re-design the symbol passed.


Despite rain, 300 to 400 students, athletes and coaches rallied on Barksdale Field to show support for six sports that had been eliminated during college budget cuts.
Men’s lacrosse, fencing, swimming and riflery as well as women’s golf and fencing were cut. in the budget for the following year. Students from all sports rallied in support.


President Timothy Sullivan announced that the Virginia General Assembly would take $16.4 million out of the College’s general fund over the next two and a half years.
The state announced the cuts after a statewide economic downturn.
80 percent of the cut funding would have gone to pay faculty and staff salaries. Sullivan announced he was considering cutting 40 staff positions in order to deal with the new budget constraints.

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